Bashar Kabd’s Blog Post #2

Bashar: “Hi Bashar! I found it pleasing to read your post on inquiry-based learning. I think that it’s definitely important to know that the students are engaged to ask questions about the topic. Hopefully as the course progresses and the students are engaging themselves with Alzheimer’s they will begin to ask more in-depth questions and remain curious throughout the semester. Like you said, asking the right questions can improve their ability to deepen their understanding of this complex disease and can retain the information much more if they remain interested. Looking forward to your next blog post!”

Dawson Charles’s Blog Post #2

Dawson: “Hi Dawson! I like the images you used for your post and enjoyed reading about open pedagogy. I think that going beyond traditional assessment plans is quite innovative and something that should be applied more when being learning about a new topic. It might help make the concepts, skills, and knowledge we more retainable when the students needs to retrieve this information in the future. However at the end of your post, you discuss the limitations of this approach and acknowledging this will allow for more discussion and continuous improvement when it comes to Open Pedagogy. Looking forward to your next post!”

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