Bashar: “Hi Bashar! I enjoyed reading your take on our project on Alzheimer’s Disease and how you addressed how to reduce the learning barriers and make the pathway to success more manageable. Even in my own experience that it can be hard to motivate myself to read the weekly readings when the teacher assigned plenty of material. More often that not, it makes it easier for people for understand the course material when images are included because it highlights key information that is easily digestible and can catch their attention. Much like infographics, pictures that display the important message from the material can be highly informative. Overall, that was an interesting read and I can’t wait for you next blog post. Keep up the good work!”
Dawson: “Hi Dawson! You had a great hook that introduces the subject very clearly and immediately you got my attention. The Olympic city analogy is very striking which made your point and issue immediately relatable. When I kept reading, I noticed you talked about video game design. I also play games myself and you’re absolutely correct about how accessible they can be for a diverse range of students. I think you’re definitely correct about educators about taking inspiration from video games and how it’s accessible and allows for more learning opportunities and allows for students to be more engaged with the material. Great read overall and I look forward to reading your next post. Well done!”